Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Snow Reports for Rattling Creek Trails
I'll try to keep you all posted on snow and whether the trails are covered or not. Check back for updates on the sidebar on the right - "Trail Update" - for the latest. enjoy the Winter!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Hunting Season is Upon Us
It's hunting season. Check the schedule here and be cautious of hunters on the trails. They like to use them too.
And pictures from the BASH are on the sidebar under BASH. Enjoy!
And pictures from the BASH are on the sidebar under BASH. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
They say rules are made to be broken. During the BASH we tell people to do this, don’t do that, blah, blah, blah !!! Yeah I know, rules. Well the one rule that someone broke this past weekend as they left the camp grounds was the “empty your ashes in the big bon fire pit in the center of the field. I guess someone was just in too much of a hurry to carry their ashes the 100 yards to the ash pit. Instead they dumped them under a very large hemlock/pine tree. Now if you know anything about pines and hemlocks is that they drop their needles, small branches and bark around the base of the tree. The bows of the tree keep this area dry even after a nice rain. It builds up into a nice thick, dry tinder, just right for starting a fire. As the camp owner and I sat talking in front of the camp, the last of the BASHers had left at least a half hour ago by this time, he saw some smoke. We went down to investigate. I carried a shovel and rake figuring what we would find. There it was…smoke coming from the base of a tree….. hot ashes under a big pine, smoldering away. The bows of the tree were hanging on the ground so you really couldn’t see the spot where the ashes were dumped without actually wading in thru the hanging branches. Looks like it was dumped from a fire pan of some sort because there was no evidence of a spot where there was a fire on the ground, no burnt spot around the site there anywhere. I shoveled the hot ashes and small pieces of burnt wood out onto the stones there at this particular camping spot. Then we headed back to the camp to get some water to throw on the spot where the ashes were smoldering under the tree just to make sure it was out completely. By the time we walked back to the camp and rounded up a big pot…. there is was once more…..A good amount of smoke coming from the same spot. I grabbed the pot and filled it with water and ran down only to find a hot spot still trying to catch the dry needles and bark under the tree. Had we been in a hurry to get out of there and not hung out talking for a bit those carelessly tossed hot ashes would have gone unnoticed and most likely sat smoldering until they started a fire…. and at best…… burned some trees… At worst, with the dry conditions it could have burned the place to the ground. Some rules are too costly to break. Please empty your ashes in the fire pit !!! Thanks You !!
Friday, September 3, 2010
An Impressive Vid of the RC Trails
You Rattling Creek Trail groupies are gonna love this film. A big shout-out and thanks to Sir Bikes A Lot for creating this impressive video/web page on the trails. Suuuuhhhhhwwweeettt.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
TWO Weeks to the BASH!
And only one week to register! We're just slightly over 100 and if registrations for this are anything like bike races, folks are waiting until the very last minute to see what the weather will be and then register. Sorry we had to close registration a 8 days before the BASH starts, but we have to get the chicken order in. Register!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
3 Weeks to the BASH!
It's BASH time! The registrations are rolling in and it's time to get you guys PUMPED for PARTY! We have about 3 weeks to go and have 94 folks registered. Those final 56 spots will fill up real quick. We are closing registration on September 8 (two weeks) because that's the date the chicken orders go in to Gonder's Grubb House. So you have only two weeks to register to
be guaranteed your chicken. Swag is in our hands and ready for the swag table for Saturday evening's swag drawing (you are automatically entered for the drawing when you register). And many of you will be pleased to hear AccouCo is BACK on Friday night. These were the two acoustic guys that ROCKED. Check them out here. Saturday evening's entertainment is Blacktooth Grin.
The other BIG change is Sunday morning -- no King and Queen of Rock's Ridge. Instead, we're having the "IRONCLIMBER" competition. Unhuh-- the fastest person to the top of the GATE at Ironmine/Wolf Pond road wins. And what do you win? A nice set of bike nuts. Hey… if you have balls enough to conquer that climb at a break-neck speed, you deserve the balls! Pink for the girl and blue for the boy.
Here's a quick run-down of the weekend's festivities:
Thursday - 5:00 - Gate Opens to Camp Muckleratz
Friday - all day - informal rides (maps provided)
Friday - 6:00 pm. The great Chile' cook-off and micro-brew exchange
Friday - 6:00ish (?) - AccuCo - Acoustic Duo (excellent)
The other BIG change is Sunday morning -- no King and Queen of Rock's Ridge. Instead, we're having the "IRONCLIMBER" competition. Unhuh-- the fastest person to the top of the GATE at Ironmine/Wolf Pond road wins. And what do you win? A nice set of bike nuts. Hey… if you have balls enough to conquer that climb at a break-neck speed, you deserve the balls! Pink for the girl and blue for the boy.
Here's a quick run-down of the weekend's festivities:
Thursday - 5:00 - Gate Opens to Camp Muckleratz
Friday - all day - informal rides (maps provided)
Friday - 6:00 pm. The great Chile' cook-off and micro-brew exchange
Friday - 6:00ish (?) - AccuCo - Acoustic Duo (excellent)
Saturday - 9:30 am - Organized group rides (maps provided if you prefer to go on your own)
Saturday - 4:00 - Taste testing begins - The Beverage Wagon will make its return
Saturday - 5:00 p.m. - Chicken Dinner is Served - Gonder's Grubbhouse!
Saturday - 7:00 p.m - Swag Drawing
Saturday - 8:00 ish - Band - Blacktooth Grin
Sunday - 10:00 am - Ironclimber competition
No swap table this year. You are welcome to set up a table at your camp and sell your wares. Link worth checking out (maybe stop and grab something on the way??)
Gonder's Grub House!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Trailwork Underway
The trail gods are hard at work and you may notice some brush cutting going on. Thank Steve Miller when you see him and I heard through the grapevine Zach Adams is planning to get weed wacking happy. Both men are prepping the trails for the Rattling Weekend coming up next weekend. Beyond the closeness of brush, the trails are in incredible shape -- dry, dry, dry. The woods could use some rain just like everywhere else. Still a couple logs here and there, but hey, why dumb down the trails? They are good jumping practice. So be aware, next weekend is the Rattling Weekend with a 25K trail run on Saturday, August 21 and a 25 or 50 mile mountain bike race on Sunday, August 22.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
DCNR organized Trail Work Session this Saturday
DCNR has organized a trail work session for this Saturday in Weiser State Forest. Details below. They plan to re-route part of a snowmobile trail near a leased hunting camp. I believe this would be Preserve line trail. Meeting time and place is 8:30 am at the Stone House as you enter Weiser State forest. More info below.
"i know its short notice but i just found out about it last evening. brian price is putting together a work day this saturday to reroute a trail in weiser state forest. we are to meet at the stone building at 8:30. attached is his suggestions. if you are available to help it would be great. dee, would you please forward this to the members of trail blazers. thanks.
From: brprice@state.pa.us> To: jimbob113@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 14:34:23 -0400> Subject: RE: Friends Meeting> > Jim> > equipment for workday> > 1. Work Gloves and boots> 2. Long Pants Try to keep the clothing cool, light colors> 3. Bug Spray and Sun Screen> 4. Pack a lunch. we will have water. We are working on providing some food, but please bring a lunch in case> 5. Any possibile chainsaws would be appreciated.> > Thank You Jim. I've talked to the 49ers Camping association. The do many activities with the Boy Scouts. They are very greatful for you help.> > My cell number is 570-449-4121. Please let me know about the meeting and thanks again.> > Brian
"i know its short notice but i just found out about it last evening. brian price is putting together a work day this saturday to reroute a trail in weiser state forest. we are to meet at the stone building at 8:30. attached is his suggestions. if you are available to help it would be great. dee, would you please forward this to the members of trail blazers. thanks.
From: brprice@state.pa.us> To: jimbob113@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 14:34:23 -0400> Subject: RE: Friends Meeting> > Jim> > equipment for workday> > 1. Work Gloves and boots> 2. Long Pants Try to keep the clothing cool, light colors> 3. Bug Spray and Sun Screen> 4. Pack a lunch. we will have water. We are working on providing some food, but please bring a lunch in case> 5. Any possibile chainsaws would be appreciated.> > Thank You Jim. I've talked to the 49ers Camping association. The do many activities with the Boy Scouts. They are very greatful for you help.> > My cell number is 570-449-4121. Please let me know about the meeting and thanks again.> > Brian
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Trail Work Follow-up
Thanks to those of you that said you'd help out with trail work and even more thanks to those of you who are already out there doing it as you ride. The Rattling 50 Marathon (not an event of RCST) is coming up on August 22 and the event promoter, Mike Kuhn, is planning to organize a trail work session to prepare for the marathon, so I'll let him know of your interest. We've asked the question before and will ask again: Is there anyone willing to take on regularly scheduling trail work and the be the RCST trail guru? Due to other activities and time constraints, Keith, Rick and I are no longer able to commit to this function of RCST like we have in the past (thus, you see what the trails are starting to look like). So please, if you wanna organize and lead trail maintenance sessions, let us know! rebjsw@epix.net Thanks so much.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Question on Trail Maintenance
If a trail maintenance session or two was organized, would you come? There's been mention there are some tight brush spots and someone is offering to organize a maintenance session, but he'll need help. How many will help?? (leave a comment, please). Thanks so much.
Monday, June 14, 2010
BASH 2010 Prep Well Underway
Keith is doing is Bashly duty and lining up bands and refreshments, while Rick lines up other goodies -- dumpster, porta-potties, supplies, swag, etc. Jill confirmed Camp Muckleratz and Gonder's Grub house and registrations are rolling in. We're hoping for a repeat of other years, hopefully minus the rain this year. As it gets closer, we might contact some of your that offered to help out to firm up your duties Bash weekend. Thanks for the offer!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Old Website Is Going Down - No More Memberships
As an FYI, if any of you have links to www.rcst1.org, I'd suggest removing them 'cause that website is going to dissappear shortly. We no longer have the software to update and this BLOG serves the purpose well since we do not make a ton of updates and the club is not nearly as active as years past. The other major change with the club is NO MORE MEMBERSHIPS TO RCST. Since the BASH generates enough funding to keep the trail maintenance going, memberships are going away also. We are going get the map PDFd and provide it on the Blog for anyone to download. Now some of you will say why not hook up with other groups that do memberships for you? Like the Friends of Weiser, or even IMBA? We do not see the need -- the BASH covers the basic funding needs to maintain the trails.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Memorial Weekend Ride - Show and Go - BYOF. Sunday, May 30
A dedicated RCSTer had a great idea for the Memorial Weekend Ride -- show and go/bring your own grill/food. Rick Begley plans to be there with his posse and he'll likely have his grill. The group usually starts at 9:00ish from the Minnich Hit Picnic area. So feel free to show up, ride, and bring your own munchies/drinks for afterwards. The date is Sunday, May 30, 2010. Have fun!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Annual Memorial Day Ride Cancelled
Unless someone is interested in organizing the Annual Memorial Day Ride that's been held for the past seven years, the ride is cancelled. Keith didn't ride last year and its likely Rick nor Jill will not ride this year (other plans for that weekend). If someone IS interested, let us know and we'll repost the event is happening. e-mail me at rebjsw@epix.net and we'll let folks know. We continue to look for folks to step up and take over organizing events/rides, etc on a permanent basis.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Turkey Season Starts Saturday 4-24-10
Junior Turkey hunting starts this Saturday so beware of kids and parents/grandparents in the woods on Saturday. From the PA Game Commission Website:
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with required license, and mentored youth – April 24, 2010. Only 1 spring gobbler may be taken during this hunt.
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): May 1-31, 2010. Daily limit 1, season limit 2. (Second spring gobbler may only be taken by persons who possess a valid special wild turkey license.)
Also, the monstrous tree at the top of Rattling Creek Trail is now gone. We'll keep plugging away at what we know are nuisance trees that need cut out. As an FYI, we're letting many this time around so you can practice your log hopping skills. If you know of trees that definitely need the chainsaw, please leave a comment. Thanks!
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with required license, and mentored youth – April 24, 2010. Only 1 spring gobbler may be taken during this hunt.
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): May 1-31, 2010. Daily limit 1, season limit 2. (Second spring gobbler may only be taken by persons who possess a valid special wild turkey license.)
Also, the monstrous tree at the top of Rattling Creek Trail is now gone. We'll keep plugging away at what we know are nuisance trees that need cut out. As an FYI, we're letting many this time around so you can practice your log hopping skills. If you know of trees that definitely need the chainsaw, please leave a comment. Thanks!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Trail Update 4-16-10
Trails are in good shape except for the occassional tree across the trail here and there. We're still seeing signs of you guys getting your handsaws out and clearing trail debris -- thank you! Most of the treefall is rideable, but there's one or two that we'll be getting the chainsaw on when we get time -- maybe this weekend. Rugged Trail was cleared of all treefall about 3 weeks ago. The trails are still tight at many spots with underbrush (mainly huckleberry bushes), but after riding some trails in Michaux this past weekend, I'm not so sure tightness is such a bad thing. Right now its not an issue -- possibly once everything is in full leaf and it rains there will be some wet legs/feet when riding. But hey - it's mountain biking! Enjoy.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Friends of Weiser State Forest Group Forming
Jim Theurer is looking for other groups to help out with the Freinds of Weiser Group they are trying to get going. He needs hikers, bikers and equestrians to make it work. Rick, from RCST will likely attend, but we sure could use some other involvement from the club. Here are the details from Mr. Theurer:
Our next meeting for the Friends of Weiser state forest will be held Wednesday April 14 at 6:30 in the park office at Haldeman tract. Marci Mowery from PA Parks & Forests Foundation will be there to tell us what we need to do to organize under their umbrella. What that will do for us is it will put us under their 501c plan so any donations will be tax deductible to the donor. And we would also be eligible to apply for grants. They will also handle all money for us. But we must meet certain requirements which she will explain. But one of the requirements is that we have a diverse organization made up of hikers, bikers, horsemen & anyone else who might use our state forest. So if you know anyone who might be interested in joining us please invite them. Please let Jim know of groups so he can invite them also. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Jim Theurer, 717-433-8694 or mailto:jimbob113@hotmail.com">jimbob113@hotmailthanks.
Our next meeting for the Friends of Weiser state forest will be held Wednesday April 14 at 6:30 in the park office at Haldeman tract. Marci Mowery from PA Parks & Forests Foundation will be there to tell us what we need to do to organize under their umbrella. What that will do for us is it will put us under their 501c plan so any donations will be tax deductible to the donor. And we would also be eligible to apply for grants. They will also handle all money for us. But we must meet certain requirements which she will explain. But one of the requirements is that we have a diverse organization made up of hikers, bikers, horsemen & anyone else who might use our state forest. So if you know anyone who might be interested in joining us please invite them. Please let Jim know of groups so he can invite them also. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Jim Theurer, 717-433-8694 or mailto:jimbob113@hotmail.com">jimbob113@hotmailthanks.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Trail Update 3-23-10
Trail gods, we love you! And you know who you are -- the riders who carry hand saws and trimmers and will take the time to stop and remove a tree or two. THANK YOU!! It's a huge help to all that ride and I can guarantee all that ride are thankful to you also. Rick walked Rugged on Sunday with the chainsaw and removed the trees so Rugged is good to go. There are still some trees down on all the other trails, but we'll slowly get at them. Everything is drying out nicely and besides the trees, the trails are looking good.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
March 14 Trail Update - Post Snow Melt and Wind
Be prepared kids, the trails are clear of snow but by no means clear to ride. There's water running down the trails at spots, a ton of twigs, branches and trees (many you can't ride -- you have to get off), and you know the brush that makes the trails so tight? Well the snow laid it down at spots on the trails. So your rides the next couple weeks will be met with a lot of debris on the trails and a lot of dismounting. I'd suggest taking a pruner along on the ride and doing a little trail maintenance if you can. If anyone wants to borrow any of the club equipment (chainsaw, brush hog, etc), please let Rick or Keith know and you are welcome to organize a trail day. Not sure when we'll get at it... it may be quite a while. So please keep alert for tree fall.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Snow on the Trails Yet - It'll be Awhile
It appears there's still about 8 inches of snow on the trails and the roads leading through the woods are not cleared. Both Lykens road and White Oak are snow covered and packed from the snowmobiles. It'll likely be at least another week until things melt, but even then the trails won't be rideable -- they'll be way, way too soft. So please, have patience and wait until things melt and dry out.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Even More Snow and a Longer Wait
We were on the dividing line of a blizzard or nothing, and we got the blizzard. There's maybe another 8-10 inches of snow on the trails and a bunch of drifting at spots. So the wait will be longer until we see dirt again.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Skiing the Rattling Creek Trails
The season is upon us and finally we have enough snow to get on the singletrack in Weiser State Forest and the Lykens Watershed, a.k.a the Rattling Creek trails. It usually takes at least a foot of snow to cover the rocks and yup, there's a minimum of a foot on the trails. The snowmobiles are out in force, so beware on the snowmobile trails. I was getting a kick out of how the snowmobilers gear up -- not much different than a biker having to have everything match. The snowmobile suits, gloves, boots all color coordinated with the snowmobile. Funny. It's actually nice to finally see the snowmobile trails getting some use for their intended purpose. The snowmobiles have the trails groomed nicely for diagonal striding, but no skating -- too bumpy. And the singletrack is awesome for you backcountry skiers. You'll need someone to break trail, but once that is done, the skiing is good. The parking lots are plowed at Lukes Trails, the East end, and the snowmobile parking lot near the Weiser headquarters. You can't drive into the forest on any of the gravel roads; all the roads are packed by the snowmobilers and aren't plowed. Enjoy!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Trail Workshop Scheduled
Bikers, Hikers, and Horseback Riders!
The Pennsylvania Equine Council
Saturday, March 13, 2010
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Where: Park Office, Haldeman Tract, Weiser State Forrest, near Elizabethville
Registration - 8:00 – 8:15
Morning Session – 8:15-12:00, Lunch – 12:00 – 12:45, Afternoon Session – 12:45 – 4:00
WHY: the Friends of Weiser State Forrest have contacted the PA Equine Council requesting assistance in maintaining non-motorized shared-use trails. The Friends of Weiser wish to keep the trails open to all users and would like all users to become involved in maintaining these trails. Without your assistance, trails and access could be severely restricted or possibly eliminated.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All outdoor enthusiasts (particularly hikers, mountain-bikers and equestrians) concerned about the future of and access to recreational public lands.
WORKSHOP CONTENT: Trail layout, construction, maintenance techniques, tools and their proper usage, and an introduction to Leave no Trace Skills, and the Ride Smart concept.
COST: FREE!! Donuts & coffee will be provided in the morning as well as lunch.
REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is required for materials preparation
INFORMATION REQUESTED FOR PRE-REGISTRATION: Name, address, telephone number, email,
and interests (hiker, biker, horse enthusiast, scouts, DCNR, etc.).
From Harrisburg rte 81take 322 west 11.3 miles to rte 147 north, take 147 north 6.4 miles to the only red light in Halifax, from the red light take 225 north 9.3 miles, at the Weiser State Forest sign turn right on Mountain House Road. Once on Mountain House Road follow the signs to Weiser. Go .6 miles and make the first left onto Dietrich Road, go .6 miles to the stop sign & turn right, still on Dietrich go .9 miles to the Y and bear right on White Oak Road into Weiser State Forest. Go past the maintenance sheds and the snowmobile parking lot, the office is on your left.
For more info and/or to pre-register contact: Jim Theurer, 717-433-8694 or jimbob113@hotmail.com
Bikers, Hikers, and Horseback Riders!
The Pennsylvania Equine Council
Saturday, March 13, 2010
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Where: Park Office, Haldeman Tract, Weiser State Forrest, near Elizabethville
Registration - 8:00 – 8:15
Morning Session – 8:15-12:00, Lunch – 12:00 – 12:45, Afternoon Session – 12:45 – 4:00
WHY: the Friends of Weiser State Forrest have contacted the PA Equine Council requesting assistance in maintaining non-motorized shared-use trails. The Friends of Weiser wish to keep the trails open to all users and would like all users to become involved in maintaining these trails. Without your assistance, trails and access could be severely restricted or possibly eliminated.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All outdoor enthusiasts (particularly hikers, mountain-bikers and equestrians) concerned about the future of and access to recreational public lands.
WORKSHOP CONTENT: Trail layout, construction, maintenance techniques, tools and their proper usage, and an introduction to Leave no Trace Skills, and the Ride Smart concept.
COST: FREE!! Donuts & coffee will be provided in the morning as well as lunch.
REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is required for materials preparation
INFORMATION REQUESTED FOR PRE-REGISTRATION: Name, address, telephone number, email,
and interests (hiker, biker, horse enthusiast, scouts, DCNR, etc.).
From Harrisburg rte 81take 322 west 11.3 miles to rte 147 north, take 147 north 6.4 miles to the only red light in Halifax, from the red light take 225 north 9.3 miles, at the Weiser State Forest sign turn right on Mountain House Road. Once on Mountain House Road follow the signs to Weiser. Go .6 miles and make the first left onto Dietrich Road, go .6 miles to the stop sign & turn right, still on Dietrich go .9 miles to the Y and bear right on White Oak Road into Weiser State Forest. Go past the maintenance sheds and the snowmobile parking lot, the office is on your left.
For more info and/or to pre-register contact: Jim Theurer, 717-433-8694 or jimbob113@hotmail.com
Note: If you've been thinking about getting involved in trailbuilding or helping RCST with trailwork/maintenance, we recommend you attend this workshop.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
2010 BASH Registration is now open
We're going techy this year and registration for the BASH is now through bikereg.com. The link is at the right, or you can go here to get registered. Attendance is still limited to 150, so get your registration in before September 1 (maybe earlier than that if there's a rush on entries).
Trail Maintenance
We finally had a chance to start hiking trails to clear trees. Doc Smith had three trees, two of significant size that were not rideable and are now clear. The one tree had both Doc Smith AND Rattling Creek blocked. We'll keep plugging away on the trails as time permits. Don't worry, we won't "dumb down" the trails too much. We're using
Jill's log-hopping skills as the gauge. If she can't get over it, it's going. 
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A Couple Updates
DCNR contacted us about vandalism at the gate on top of the mountain, near the hang-glider launch. Did we see or hear anything? If any of you see anything or anyone suspicious, please let us know so we can pass it on to DCNR. Us users truly are their eyes and ears as they simply don't have the manpower to be out and about on every trail like we are.
We hear there are trees down. Don't worry, we'll get at them! Rick and I are planning a hike with the chainsaw on Doc Smith to start the clearing process.
There's going to be a trail building class sometime in the spring. The class is being coordinated by the Equine groups and the PA Equine Assoc is presenting the class. We'll post more info as it becomes available.
FYI - August 22 is the Rattling 50 Marathon. In the past, the club has not participated in this event because the majority of members had concerns of trail degradation from a race. That was three years ago and times have changed with more users on the trail (horses). If anyone wants to help out with the Marathon, please let me know and I'll let the organizer know.
We hear there are trees down. Don't worry, we'll get at them! Rick and I are planning a hike with the chainsaw on Doc Smith to start the clearing process.
There's going to be a trail building class sometime in the spring. The class is being coordinated by the Equine groups and the PA Equine Assoc is presenting the class. We'll post more info as it becomes available.
FYI - August 22 is the Rattling 50 Marathon. In the past, the club has not participated in this event because the majority of members had concerns of trail degradation from a race. That was three years ago and times have changed with more users on the trail (horses). If anyone wants to help out with the Marathon, please let me know and I'll let the organizer know.
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