Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Saturday Work Session -- Putting the Bridges Back

9:30 Saturday , 9-24, at the trail head for Doc Smith Trail, Rattling Creek End.  Many thanks to Kory Jones for coordinating the bridge retrieval.  He'd really like someone there that participated in the last retrieval - Rick nor I are able to be there on Saturday.  I'm sharing this e-mail with folks that attended the BASH because some expressed an interest in helping out.   Rick wanted to share basic tools you'll need to bring: hammer, crow bar, a saw, rope.   These beams are quite a bit heavier than the smaller bridge we moved back last time.  A come along or some other mechanical advantage could be helpful if available.  A group of at least 8-10 would be the best.  Rick can't recall how many fit on the 22 foot beam, but he's thinking somewhere between 10-12 for the 30 foot beams would work.  Please let Kory know if you can make it and what tools you might be able to bring.   You can contact him at  Thanks to all.  Sorry we will be missing this important session. 

1 comment:

Joe Root said...

Your contents are wonderful and advisory. custom bridges