Thursday, March 25, 2010

Friends of Weiser State Forest Group Forming

Jim Theurer is looking for other groups to help out with the Freinds of Weiser Group they are trying to get going. He needs hikers, bikers and equestrians to make it work. Rick, from RCST will likely attend, but we sure could use some other involvement from the club. Here are the details from Mr. Theurer:

Our next meeting for the Friends of Weiser state forest will be held Wednesday April 14 at 6:30 in the park office at Haldeman tract. Marci Mowery from PA Parks & Forests Foundation will be there to tell us what we need to do to organize under their umbrella. What that will do for us is it will put us under their 501c plan so any donations will be tax deductible to the donor. And we would also be eligible to apply for grants. They will also handle all money for us. But we must meet certain requirements which she will explain. But one of the requirements is that we have a diverse organization made up of hikers, bikers, horsemen & anyone else who might use our state forest. So if you know anyone who might be interested in joining us please invite them. Please let Jim know of groups so he can invite them also. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Jim Theurer, 717-433-8694 or">jimbob113@hotmailthanks.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Trail Update 3-23-10

Trail gods, we love you! And you know who you are -- the riders who carry hand saws and trimmers and will take the time to stop and remove a tree or two. THANK YOU!! It's a huge help to all that ride and I can guarantee all that ride are thankful to you also. Rick walked Rugged on Sunday with the chainsaw and removed the trees so Rugged is good to go. There are still some trees down on all the other trails, but we'll slowly get at them. Everything is drying out nicely and besides the trees, the trails are looking good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14 Trail Update - Post Snow Melt and Wind

Be prepared kids, the trails are clear of snow but by no means clear to ride. There's water running down the trails at spots, a ton of twigs, branches and trees (many you can't ride -- you have to get off), and you know the brush that makes the trails so tight? Well the snow laid it down at spots on the trails. So your rides the next couple weeks will be met with a lot of debris on the trails and a lot of dismounting. I'd suggest taking a pruner along on the ride and doing a little trail maintenance if you can. If anyone wants to borrow any of the club equipment (chainsaw, brush hog, etc), please let Rick or Keith know and you are welcome to organize a trail day. Not sure when we'll get at it... it may be quite a while. So please keep alert for tree fall.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snow on the Trails Yet - It'll be Awhile

It appears there's still about 8 inches of snow on the trails and the roads leading through the woods are not cleared. Both Lykens road and White Oak are snow covered and packed from the snowmobiles. It'll likely be at least another week until things melt, but even then the trails won't be rideable -- they'll be way, way too soft. So please, have patience and wait until things melt and dry out.